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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Haunted White House

The iconic building in Washington, DC. Residence and office of the President of the USA. The attic is supposedly haunted by the short term President and the first to die in office is William Henry Harrison from Pneumonia a month after his inauguration. Other reports that the attic is also haunted by David Burns who was forced to surrender his land so the White House could be built.
The Rose Garden is commonly used for presidential announcements. First Lady Dolley Madison planted the garden in the early 1800's. Then First Lady Ellen Wilson requested the garden be dug up. Dolley Madison was not too pleased. Then again who can blame her. I'd be mad too.
The basement, but that's really no surprise there. The basement was reconstructed in the 1950's. The basement is said to be home of a kitty, but not just any kitty an demon cat. The cat is supposedly appears as a warning, like the Mothman from West Virginia.
The Second Floor Halls is reportedly haunted by President Lincoln, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and First Lady Abigail Adams.
The Second Floor Bedrooms is reportedly haunted by a British soldier who tried to set fire to a couple's bed. Its said that the soldier is the one who set fire to the White House in 1812. President Lyndon B. Johnson's daughter Lynda reported seeing Lincoln's son Willie who died in her room. Reports of President Grover Cleveland's wife's screams could be heard. She's first to give birth in the white house. Was her ghost delivering a baby?
The Yellow Oval Room is Lincoln's favorite rooms. Would it surprise you if I said that Lincoln also haunts this room? David Burns, Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Tyler have been reportedly seen.
The North Portico is reportedly haunted by a torch-wielding British officer is often seen outside the front door. The ghost of Ann Surratt, whose mother Mary was hanged in 1865 for the assassination of Lincoln. She's also seen on the front steps every July 7th, the anniversary of her mother's execution.
The East room is haunted by Abigail Adam. She would hang her laundry in that room. And Lincoln has also been spotted in The East Room as well.
The Rose Room is supposedly haunted by President Andrew Jackson. He could be heard either laughing or swearing. Lol, I would love to hear that, but Jackson ain't alone. Lincoln can be seen in this room as well. Queen Wilhemina of the Netherlands stayed in this room, answered a knocked on the door and was greeted by Lincoln.
Last and sure ya saw this one coming; The Lincoln Bedroom. Winston Churchill will never sleep in Lincoln's room after seeing him standing near the fireplace whom (Churchill) was just emerging from a bath in the buff. Maybe Lincoln was trying to burn his eyes out? I mean seeing a man standing naked in your room to a straight guy might be terrifying.  

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