The controversy continues over the classics and how they influence the kids.
The newest aimed is the lovable Winnie the Pooh all 'cause he only in a shirt. Its a silent way of saying going half naked is OK. That's what their basically saying. The PARENTS are the one's that buys their kids clothes. DON'T BUY CLOTHES THAT SHOWS EXCESSIVE SKIN FOR KIDS. He's a teddy bear for crying out loud. If your kid is going half naked, I think the parents are to blame. I think Mari Stroman McGoldrick (facebook) says it best: Donald Duck don''t wear pants either and neither does his nephews. Minnie and Daisy's dresses are really short. Bugs and Daffy are naked with the exception of costumes and wearing drag. Then there's Betty Boop and her infamous sexy red dress. Tom & Jerry and their fights. Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote. The list just goes on and on into the Disney realm. Ariel changes herself for a guy.
The most cartoons today are just completely ridiculous and highly stupid. If you're kids don't realize that cartoons are just that, cartoons. They're not real. Then that fault lies with the parents who's kids have hurt themselves mimicking the classics.
The classics will ALWAYS be the best.
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