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Friday, November 21, 2014

Hilarious Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving is closing in and I wanna share something that happened one Thanksgiving a few years back.
     Of course it was a typical Thanksgiving day. Skip forward to the cooking. The food is halfway done. When my bird Max comes flying into the kitchen. She crawled out from a crack underneath my door. This was first of many escapes from her. She landed in the mash potatoes. Did I mention that my four cats and dog was also inside? A flying bird certainly got the cats attention. Though she didn't end up as Thanksgiving snack. I grabbed her from the mash potatoes and took her to my room and stuck her in the cage. She didn't like that. She called be a 'bitch'. The mash potatoes were thrown out and the bowl placed in the sink. Fresh mash potatoes were made. The cats and dog were getting antsy with the smell. Finally everything was done and we sit down to eat. The dog on floor with Buttercup, Socks on the chair with my sister, and Shadow and Moonshine were on the table....were the food was trying to take food from out plates. Buttercup and Bandit were kinda the smart ones. The turkey was kept on top the stoves. Buttercup jumps on the counter and Bandit stands on his hind legs. Mama jumps up and puts the turkey back inside the oven. Socks jumps over on mama's chair and just takes her slips of turkey before we even had a chance to react without even touching anything else on her plate though she did give the cats and Bandit the remains of her plate anyway and slips of turkey so that we can finish eating in peace.
    Thanksgiving is especially a challenge if you have pets and you could wind up with a funny memory that will last a lifetime. But you wouldn't change a thing. 

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