Are they related? Terk can be see using tea pots as a drum in one of the scenes which looks exactly like the tea set from Beauty and the Beast. Namely Mrs. Potts and Chip. Not to mention that the curse was lifted and Chip and his mother became human again as well as the others who were cursed. That would have left the castled nearly empty 'cept for the once cursed. Belle went shopping and had some things custom made? Could it just be 'cause of her English background and just a coincidence? Belle is supposedly set in the year 1770's in France while Jane is from England in the early 1900's (least that's what I found).

Both have brown hair and favor the color yellow. Their father's are a little out there...and let's on forget the Duke of Weselton also looks like Jane's father, but Duke Weselton is German. Frozen was supposedly set somewhere in the 1800's (there's a variety of dates, but 1800's kept coming up) Norway. For all of 'em to be related, like most family they spread out. Belle's grandkid have to have met and married someone from Germany. Someone real close (a kid, grandkid, sibling), met and married someone from England. Through time, relatives do take on traits of their ancestors which is possibly why they look so much alike.
Jane and Belle tamed wild men. OK one was cursed and the other was feral.
This is just my theory. Personally Beauty and the Beast is my top favorite, followed by Frozen, and then Tarzan. I'm a reader so Belle will always be my favorite.
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