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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Carrie Underwood and Jessica Simpson Chorus Similarities

Ok, before I write anything else, let me clarify that I am a huge fan of Carrie Underwood and I also grew up listening to Jessica Simpson. I'm a fan of both, more so of Carrie than Jessica.
     So I just heard Carrie's new song and immediately Jessica Simpson's "Irresistible" song popped into my mind. A song I ain't heard in a long time. While they are two very different and awesome songs, it's the chorus music that sounds the same to me.
    While I don't think she meant to copy the music of Jessica's chorus, it just happens sometimes when you're trying to find music to fit the lyrics to your song. It's just like humans. There's so many of us throughout the years that facial features repeat itself.
     Listen for yourself. The videos are below.

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