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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Foods We Crave This Fall-Apple Cider

     With fresh apples in season and apples being a most-craved food for fall, apple cider logically follows suit. Whether served warm or cold, plain or spiked, no other drink complements the season better than this fall favorite.
     Patti Miller Mangen likes her apple cider warm, and "plain or doctored with rum." Gabe Haas also enjoys the drink but has a difference of opinion on the serving temperature: "I prefer cold." Another voter for hot cider, Mark R Anderson, said he likes his "with caramel!" Joanne Barbetta was in line with the large number of respondents voting for this drink, saying, "Oh, I couldn't agree more! I have been craving apple cider now for days!"
     Opinions of serving options aside, many agreed that apple cider is a delicious drink for this time of year. For a few respondents, choosing to complement the drink with seasonally-flavored foods takes the experience to the next level. Michele Harris was excited thinking about enjoying "shortbread cookies with pumpkin icing and hot caramel apple cider drinks on the patio among the 'color-fall' leaves on a sunny afternoon!" Apple cider also goes well with warm cinnamon sugar donuts, as Sandee Faasse Russo and other Facebook fans informed us.
     For those like Matthew John Lewis, apple cider is a family tradition:
     Every fall around Halloween we go to the cider mill in Upstate New York where they press apples using a press that is over 100 years old. They take the apples and press them in a press that is powered by the river, and we get ice cold crisp apple cider. Then in the same mill we go upstairs where they are frying fresh homemade doughnuts. So, fresh cold cider and fresh hot doughnuts is what I am craving.

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